Susan Graber

Here Comes the Judge — and Check Out Her Peep-Toe Shoes!

Last week, I wrote (with great pleasure) about whether women lawyers should wear peep-toe shoes to court. In my informal poll of seven federal judges, the vote broke down roughly as follows: four in favor, two opposed, and one in the middle. (See the update — Judge Susan Graber seemed agnostic on peep-toes, but advised […]

Diane Wood

Wearing Peep-Toe Shoes to Court? Women Judges Weigh In

Earlier today, on the Senate floor, debate took place on whether to confirm Solicitor General Elena Kagan as the nation’s 112th Supreme Court justice. The Kagan nomination is not very controversial, due to the nominee’s impeccable credentials and the Democrats’ 59 votes in the Senate. In the legal blogosphere, a far more divisive debate is […]